Looking for an event photographer in Glasgow or Edinburgh

November 01, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

If you are looking for an event photographer in Glasgow or Edinburgh, then what are the main things you have to consider before you commit yourself to a particular professional photographer for your conference photography in Edinburgh for instance.  You have to start at the beginning, which is to try and decide what type of photos you want, this will depend on their eventual destination.  Are they for a promotional document, or for online publication, or are they for a magazine or journal, or event PR photography purposes.  The event photographer in Scotland who supplies photos to companies for events is very different from the wedding photographer in Scotland, or the birthday party photographer in Glasgow for instance.  So lets take a look at the things you have to consider before you commission an event or corporate photographer.

Things to consider before commissioning an event photographer in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Scotland

1. As mentioned above, what is the intended destination for the photos, this will effect the kind of photos and thereafter, the type of corporate photographer you want to commission.

2. What style of photos are you looking for.  Check out websites online, does the style of photos suit your purpose, has the photographer been involved in major commissions, at high profile venues.  The images on this link give you an idea of the kind of photos available. Colin Wright Photography, Edinburgh and Glasgow corporate and event photographer | Commercial corporate event photographer Edinburgh Glasgow Scotland

3. How will the photos be delivered ie by link, the most common method nowadays, or by DVD/USB etc.  Wedding photographers, for instance will usually supply a USB stick with images and or possibly an album.

4. How soon can the photos be delivered.  This varies according to the kind of photo job involved.  A wedding photographer probably wont send the final photos until about a week or two after the event, but most conference photographers in Scotland will have to send the images fairly soon after the event, usually 2 or 3 days at the latest. 

5. Can the photographer provide photos on the day for PR and social media purposes.  This is particularly important for conference photography, when some images are needed pretty quickly for PR publication.  Most good photographers in Scotland can provide this, particularly with the improvements to DSLR cameras that can download photos onto their phone using wi-fi or through other sources.

6. Is the person a member of an accredited photography organisation, such as the Royal Photographic Society The Royal Photographic Society - Home - RPS. or the Societies of Photographers.  This will usually be mentioned on their website and you can also check the websites of the relevant organisations.

The Society of Photographers – Helping photographers improve their photography and build their business - The Society of Photographers | International Photography Organisation (thesocieties.net)

7. Finally, will you be able to get on well with the photographer.  This is very important, the need for effective communication is paramount.  This is very important for conference photographers, who will be interacting with the delegates at your event and it is crucial that they do not disrupt the flow of the event and that they are friendly and co-operative with the delegates and speakers.

So, I hope that helps, happy snapping.

Until next time.

Kind Regards




Colin Wright Photography - Commercial Photographer in Edinburgh and Glasgow (edinburghphotographer.com)



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Corporate event and conference photographer Edinburgh, Glasgow, Scotland
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